A House of Prayer for All Peoples
Meet Our Pastor
Pastor Jane Marston grew up in suburban Philadelphia, but her church roots are in Toronto and Boston. She first started attending worship because she was hungry for community and something she couldn’t have put into words at the time, but now understands as connection with God. She was baptized at University Lutheran in Cambridge, Mass. and soon afterward joined the staff there for what she thought would be a short stint as an administrative assistant.
More than a decade later, she responded to a persistent nudge from the Holy Spirit calling her to serve as a pastor. She has been amazed at how God has found uses for her motley collection of skills here at Tabor and delights in the ways the Holy Spirit gathers and sustains a community which regularly gives her a foretaste of the kingdom of God. In addition to her responsibilities as Pastor at Tabor, she serves as a member of the Southeast Pennsylvania Synod’s Anti-Racism Team.